Brake Disc & Pads Replacement

Brake discs and pads wear down over time with regular use, we can keep an eye on them and replace them when necessary.

Brakes and Brake Pad Servicing

Brake discs and pads are an essential part of your car’s braking system, and they need to be replaced regularly in order to keep your car safe. Here at DB Motors, we offer brake disc and pad replacement services to keep your car’s brakes in good working order.

Brake Repairs & Inspections

Brake discs, also known as brake rotors, are the large metal discs that your car’s brake pads clamp onto when you brake. Over time, brake discs can become warped or damaged, and they need to be replaced in order to ensure that your car’s brakes are working properly.

Brake pads are the smaller, metal plates that sit on either side of the brake disc and provide the friction needed to stop your car. Brake pads also wear out over time, and they need to be replaced in order to keep your car’s brakes working properly.

Luxury & European Brake Service

At DB Motors, we can replace your brake discs and pads quickly and efficiently. We always use high-quality replacement parts, and our skilled technicians will make sure that your car’s brakes are working properly before you leave our garage.

If you’re due for a brake disc or pad replacement, or if you’re having any other problems with your car’s brakes, bring your car to DB Motors and we’ll take care of it.

Servicing All Makes & Models

Mercedes Benz Dealer Service Without The Dealer Price

DB Motors  has the experience and expertise in servicing and repairing premium European makes and models. We pride ourselves in taking care of your vehicle, so you can ensure that it will run as the manufacturer intended for many years to come.